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Work from home like a pro.

productivity Sep 18, 2022

Working from home does come with a lot of perks - for example you don’t have to commute, or you can hang out with your pets. It also does have some real challenges: because there is less structure, you may actually work too much and get burned out. The other scenario is the opposite, as it might be just hard to focus and get the work done. 


You can overcome both challenges by following these three steps "Create Rituals, Be Flexible and Be Realistic"

Create Rituals that generate a physical boundary between “Home” and “Work” to convince yourself mentally; something has changed in the environment. For example, changing into casual clothes (not PJs) or working at a desk away from your comfy sofa or bed.


Be Flexible in how you schedule your time and remember you don’t have to work 9-5. For example, don’t forget to take breaks for lunch, coffee or to do your household chores. You can utilise the time saved by doing chores and instead exercise or pick up a new hobby in the evening.


And finally, Be Realistic to acknowledge that it’s not possible to be productive “at all times”. For example, don’t squeeze in work emails when you have free minutes before bed or while watching a Netflix show.


At the end of the day, you might feel you didn’t get enough done even though you follow all above three steps. It is pretty normal, and a lot of people feel this way when they work from home, therefore, do not forget to celebrate your wins and make a list of things you did each day. Also, spend 5 minutes at the end of the day to plan your action list for next day and don’t forget to add your household chores so you don’t leave the laundry pile for the weekend.



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